Compiled Chronicles

A software development blog by Angelo Villegas

Tag: Database

  • Core Data: Simple Data Modeling

    On my last post, you learned and became familiar with the template codes of Core Data. Now, you will learn how to model your own data using Core Data and you will modify the code to create to-dos instead of timeStamps. To build the to-do application, you will need to modify the data model by…

  • iOS: Introduction To Core Data

    In this tutorial, you will learn how to work with Core Data and how to model your data for an enterprise-level apps. We will not program or anything but you will need Xcode for the modeling part of the tutorial. Note: You can download Xcode 4 at or via the Mac App Store In…

  • MySQL to SQLite migration cheat sheet

    At work, we needed to migrate from MySQL to SQLite. All of this thanks to this cheatsheet we got the migration an easy task. But it didn’t explain many things, just the major part in a step by step process. Tools : Steps: You can actually follow the step there and just don’t read here…

  • PHP: DBClass

    DBClass is a simple PHP class that will help ease database connection usage. You can download the script in the links listed below. DBClass Download links Sample Usage : Functions :