Tag: git
Shell: Generate Git
A comprehensive script for Xcode projects that lets you generate .gitignore and .gitattributes in the directory of your choosing. Download You can grab the script here: https://gist.github.com/anjerodesu/5063843 Running the script
iOS: AVPickerDimView
AVPickerDimView is a simple class combination of UIView, UIActionSheet, and UIPickerView. Installation There are 3 ways to download and import the files to your project: Download: After downloading and importing the files to your project folder, your next step is setting it up: Xcode: Usage Object initialisation: Checking if AVPickerDimView is present: Showing and Hiding…
iOS: NSString+HTMLHelper
NSString+HTMLHelper is a collection of methods that helps me deal with HTML tags and URLs. NSString+HTMLHelper Download Link Sample Usage: Please look at the demo project. It has sample codes on how to use the category. Methods: Install: Just copy the NSString+HTMLHelper Category or NSString+HTMLHelper.h and NSString+HTMLHelper.m files to your project and #import the header…
iOS: AVHexColor
AVHexColor is a class for iOS (iPhone & iPad) and OS X (Mac), inspired by the lack of hexadecimal colour integration of iOS. Install Recommended Podfile via CocoaPods Alternatives Sample Usage: Methods: And a lot of convenience methods… License AVHexColor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.